Rum ist die wohl am meisten unterschätzte Spirituose. Und das obwohl Rum/Rhum die größte Vielfalt zu bieten hat. The Time Flies When You´re Having Rum
Sonntag, 28. Februar 2010
Samstag, 27. Februar 2010
Lemon Hart hat einen neuen Besitzer
Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2010
Sönnichsen Rum
Es gibt viel zu tun
Vor den Werken
Hors d’’oeuvres von Blutwurst und Quitte
Eier-Trilogie auf Geknetetem
Weißbrot, Wachtelei und Kaviar
Kleiner Verwandter mit italienischem Freund
getrüffeltes Perlhuhn auf Selleriesalat
klare Vollendung mit nordischer Mandel
Consommé de boeuf mit Haselnussravioli
Aus dem See übers Meer
Saibling mit Krenkruste auf Balsamicolinsen
Blauer Dunst
Kleinstes Intermezzo vom Ätna
Blutorangen Sorbet
Zum Küssen zu heiß
Rinderbäckchen mit Hagebuttensoße
Blütenzart mit viel Energie
Tête de moine mit Feigen
kaltes Geschenk Gottes
Halbgefrorenes von Birnen mit Rote Beete Schaum
Montag, 8. Februar 2010
Neuer Super Premium Rum bei Appleton
Sonntag, 7. Februar 2010
Neues Bacardi Hauptquartier
Coral - Bacardi U.S.A. Marks Opening of State-of-the Art South Florida Headquarters
04.02.10 | 20:10 UhrBacardi U.S.A., Inc., the import, sales, and marketing arm of one of the world's leading wine and spirits producers, today officially inaugurated its new headquarters at a state-of-the-art office building in Coral Gables, Fla.
Coral Gables Mayor Don Slesnick was on hand to present the company with a proclamation declaring February 4, 2010, Bacardi Day in Coral Gables, Florida.
The fifteen-story, Mediterranean-styled building is located at 2701 Le Jeune Road (corners of Le Jeune Road and Almeria Avenue) houses more than 300 employees of the Bacardi Americas region, including Bacardi U.S.A., Inc., Bacardi Latin America and Bacardi Americas Travel Retail, in approximately 230,000 sq. ft of Class A office space. The Company will be seeking certification from the U.S. Green Building Council?s ?Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design? (LEED) for the design of its environmentally friendly interiors.
?South Florida has been our home for more than forty years, and it?s exciting to accomplish our goal of uniting all employees previously spread throughout seven different buildings under one roof,? said John P. Esposito, president and CEO of Bacardi U.S.A., Inc. ?Working out of this new location will further strengthen our collaboration, communications, cross-functionality and teamwork to continue to market the most recognized and top-selling spirits in the United States.?
The company has diligently set goals and made strides in its interior design to provide employees with a high-performance office environment that will meet the environmentally friendly criteria for LEED certification.
Bacardi U.S.A., Inc. has taken necessary steps to achieve a green workplace and ensure a healthier working environment in the following aspects:
- Heat Island Reduction
- Protecting Greenfields
- Alternative Transportation
- Water Efficiency
- Energy Use
- Waste Reduction
- Indoor Environmental Quality
The new building is also equipped with the latest IT infrastructure which will deliver faster access to information, support global communications, and foster better collaboration. These include voice over IP telephone calls, faster access to Internet-based services, collaboration tools, and rich media intranets, among others.
The Bacardi Americas headquarters will also house one of four global company Telepresence suites which use high-definition video and audio for groups to meet and collaborate in multiple locations worldwide in real-time.
This cutting-edge technology allows meeting attendees in different locations to virtually communicate as if they were in the same room, utilizing verbal and non-verbal communication, such as body language and facial expressions. The Telepresence capability will improve ease and security of collaboration internally and externally with suppliers, partners and customers. Other anticipated benefits include reduced corporate travel and a smaller carbon footprint.
?We look forward to working together at this wonderful facility and using all of these new tools and resources to further grow our business and better serve our consumers, retailers, distributors and shareholders,? added Mr. Esposito.
Bacardi is currently considering a variety of options for its properties at its Biscayne Boulevard complex (including the iconic blue and white tiled and stained glass buildings), which was recently granted an historic designation by the City of Miami Preservation Board.